ColdHubs Wins Curt Bergfors Foundation’s 2022 Food Planet Prize

Nigerian Cold chain company ColdHubs Limited has won the 2022 Food Planet Prize.

ColdHubs won the award which is considered the biggest environmental award by using 100% solar-powered cold storage facilities to preserve fruits and vegetables for more than 20 days.

Speaking on the award, the CEO and Founder of ColdHubs Limited, Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu said that the emergence of the Nigerian company is one the best things to happen to the company in 2022.

ColdHubs emerged winners alongside Global Mangrove Alliance and Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu said the prize is coming at the back of massive expansion in the company.

“We’re happy and appreciate the team from Curt Bergfors Foundation as well as everyone who has been with us along the way”

“The prize will help amplify the work we are doing as solution providers when it comes to fighting post-harvest loss in the food chain”, he said.

Also running refrigerated logistics services, CodHubs have ordinarily helped small holder farmers and traders increase their product by about 50% while creating jobs for women and cutting down on greenhouse gas emission across more than 60 hubs in Nigeria.

“We have also found other applications for our hubs in the preservation of medicines and food in internally displaced people’s camps and we’ll keep improving on our technology and its application anywhere we find site our hubs”

“The Food Planet Prize is very big and winning it will further encourage us to achieve more. We appreciate this and dedicate this to our users and supporters”, Nnaemeka Ikegwuonu.

The Food Planet Prize awards initiatives that solve the dilemma of feeding a growing world population while saving a planet in peril.

Each of the winners of the 2022 Food Planet Prize will receive significant funding from the Curt Bergfors Foundation.

The Curt Bergfors Foundation was established in 2019 to fast-track the imperative shift towards sustainable food systems by providing potential food planet game changers with the means they need to succeed. It hands out the Food Planet Prize solely with the founding capital donated by its late founder Mr. Bergfors.