ColdHubs Annual Impact Report

Learn how the team has been leading in tackling fruit and vegetable loss and improving food security in our annual social impact report.

In 2023, there were numerous reports of millions of Nigerians facing an acute food loss crisis due to a significant spike in staple food prices following increases in fuel prices, the inflation rate, and the high cost of food production, which is a result of inadequate cold storage facilities and transportation systems.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, in partnership with the World Food Programme and other agencies, presented a food crisis report to the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security.

The report revealed that a significant reduction in household stock was reported among more than 60 percent of households, with more than 35 percent having no stocks in 2023 when compared to 2022 and the five-year average on the evaluation of livelihoods.

This crisis-affected food production states in Nigeria limited production activities, posing farmers, retailers, distributors, and food supply chain actors to seek alternative and trustworthy processes to preserve their produce.

ColdHubs, reaching its development stage in 2023, spent the year improving and introducing new technology, maintaining over 58 hubs across 28 states, 40 new hubs under construction, accounting for and training 9000+ smallholder farmers, and employing more than 100 women.

Now we are very pleased to share with you the ColdHubs Social Impact Report for 2023, which showcases remarkable achievements in food preservation, economic empowerment, and environmental conservation across Nigeria and Africa.

Read the Full Report Below and Download the PDF File