Source: Prime Agro Seed Linkedln
To mark World Refrigeration Day 2023, Prime Agro Seed has outlined the impacts and contributions of refrigeration to agricultural production in Africa.
The Head of sales and Marketing, Tiah David Tiah, said that refrigeration is a core part of fruit and vegetable production that helps extend the shelf life of the produce.
"If not for refrigeration, vegetable farmers will suffer a great deal of loss, and there will be little or no financial benefit," he stated.
In the present Day, Innovations like ColdHubs are ideal for third-world countries where electricity is not accessible and is cost-intensive for local farmers.
He appealed to the organization to expand its shores to every corner of sub-Saharan Africa.
To boost agricultural productivity and achieve food security in Sub-Saharan Africa. There is a need to provide sustainable solutions for plant breeding.
In recent times, Farmers in developing countries have experienced extremely low production due to the limited availability of seed varieties that suit the country's climatic changes.
An agricultural expert noted that quality seeds are as important to farmers as Cold storage facilities.
Prime Agro Seed is a seed company that provides and breeds varieties of seeds that optimally suit local conditions across different farming regions in Nigeria.
They test multiple seeds and then sell them to farmers to improve their yields and increase their income.
So far, Prime Agro Seeds has conducted numerous training sessions for smallholder farmers in Benin City, therefore reducing the cost of importing seeds from other countries.
The salesman narrated that the essence of purchasing the seeds from them is that most of their seeds are tested in Nigeria and suit the climatic nature of the country.
He stressed that most farmers who import seed tested outside Nigeria may not get the mass yield they demand.
"This is Because the climatic conditions differ, "he added.
The seed company also disclosed that Power shortages and high Tax rates are the major challenges facing commercial farming in Nigeria.
"Agriculture has gone beyond its dependence on rainfed cultivation. Farmers are involved in irrigation, Hydroponics and greenhouses which need electricity to maintain.
“Most Government policies are not favorable to agricultural experts and those practicing mechanized farming in Africa, especially, as the customs duty levied on us for importations of equipment to enhance production needs to be checked.
"The population of the country is increasing every year, and farmers need to feed the teeming population, but the government should provide incentives and policies that will be favorable to farmers," he stated.