How to Maintain a Solar Panel

Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic (PV) panels, are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. They are made up of multiple solar cells, which are composed of semiconducting materials such as silicon. When sunlight strikes these cells, it excites the electrons in the material, creating an electric current.

Key points to note about solar panels

  1. Energy Generation: Solar panels generate clean, renewable energy by harnessing power from the sun. This power can be used to power electrical devices, homes, cooling units, businesses, and even entire communities, depending on the amount of energy generated.

  2. Composition: A solar panel consists of multiple solar cells that are interconnected and mounted on a frame. The cells are usually made of silicon, but thin-film solar cells made from cadmium telluride or copper indium gallium selenide are also used in some panels.

  3. Efficiency: Solar panel efficiency refers to the amount of sunlight that is converted into usable electricity. Higher-efficiency panels are capable of generating more electricity with the same amount of sunlight. Efficiency levels vary depending on the technology and manufacturer, but generally range from around 15% to 25%.

  4. Installation: Solar panels are typically installed on rooftops or in open areas with ample sunlight. They require proper orientation and angle to maximize their exposure to the sun throughout the day. In some cases, solar panels can also be integrated into building materials, such as solar shingles or solar glasses.

  5. Grid Connections and Storage: Solar panels can be connected to the electrical grid, allowing excess electricity to be fed back into the grid. This is known as a grid-tied system. Alternatively, solar panels can be used in off-grid systems, where the generated electricity is stored in batteries for later use.

  6. Environmental Benefits: Solar panels produce electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or pollutants. They are a clean and sustainable source of energy, contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

  7. Maintenance: Solar panels generally require minimal maintenance. Regular cleaning to remove dust and debris, as well as periodic inspections to ensure proper functioning, are recommended. The lifespan of the solar panels can vary, but is typically around 25 to 30 years.


Solar panels typically do not require much maintenance other than periodic cleaning and keeping them free from obstacles that can cast shadows over the panels because they need an unobstructed path to the sun to operate optimally.

Solar panels are designed to withstand extreme weather events like hail, snow, ice, and wind to provide lasting performance.

Dirt, debris, dust, and other items can dirty the surface of the solar panels, and if they accumulate enough, it can affect the amount of energy that the panels produce.

To clean a solar panel, the technician needs to turn off the system.

Spray them down with lukewarm water from a hose.

Do not use cleaning agents or soap to clean solar panels because they can leave streaks and damage them.

For solar panels with heavier deposits, spraying them down with lukewarm water from a garden hose and wiping them down with a non-abrasive microfiber cloth is preferable.

clean from the top of the roof or with a ladder. Ensure you adopt proper safety measures and use a safety harness to prevent falls.

A telescopic pole with a microfiber cloth attached to it can help you safely clean solar panels from the ground.

Don't clean your solar panels on a sunny day; it can leave smudges because the water can evaporate quickly.


Cleaning Solar Panels Colder During Winter

Sometimes snow and ice can accumulate on solar panels, but since they’re angled, it usually melts and slides off. Should snow or ice persist, spraying panels with lukewarm water can help remove it.

Avoid using hot water to clean snow and ice from solar panels because the temperature discrepancy can cause the panels to crack. You can also brush the panels off with something non-abrasive to prevent scratches.

How Often Should Your Solar Panels Be Maintained?

Solar panels only need maintenance two to four times a year. The dry season and early rainy season serve as good times to perform maintenance work in Nigeria because panels can need cleaning following Harmattan, where dust and debris can accumulate. Beware of other issues like sap from trees and bird droppings.

Checking your solar panels four times a year can help you track the performance of your panels better. You can notice issues sooner and address them faster. You should also inspect wires and connections to ensure they’re in working condition. Sometimes critters can gnaw on them without your noticing.

How to Know When Your Solar Panels Need Maintenance

It’s important to track the energy output of your solar panels closely. Typically, a prolonged drop in production signals a maintenance need. Solar panels tend to decrease in performance as they age, but early in their lifespan, any drop is more likely to come from dirty or obstructed panels.

Therefore, it's important to note that while solar panels are a reliable source of solution, their effectiveness depends on factors such as the amount of sunlight available, geographical location, shading, and the size and quality of the installation. As such, consulting a solar energy professional is advisable for accurate assessment and optimal design.